A must-read financial advice book for women of any age to empower
your life.
The author of She Can Prosper, Diane Watson, is a financial advisor who wants every woman financially independent.
A very readable, easy-to-understand book that should be in the school library or, better still, a part of the school curriculum.
Each chapter covers an aspect of your possible financial journey, whether starting up on the financial ladder, financial challenges such as divorce, or preparing for a secure retirement.

Whatever the financial direction, it’s about being assertive rather than weakened by your lack of financial knowledge. Real-life stories help illustrate potential scenarios that can happen to you and me—explaining solutions and how to avoid financial traps.

I loved the coaching dimension of understanding why you handle your money in a particular way. Your money story! How you were raised and educated to handle money by parents and even diving into their story can be a game changer.

There are many links for further information, so you have no more excuses not to further your financial empowerment.
She Can Prosper is the book I needed fifty years ago. No woman should need to rely on others for financial security; they should have all the tools to look after their financial destiny. This book has the tools andwill help you at whatever stage of your financial story.